We all know that to make plants grow we need to feed and water them, and give them some tender loving care.

Now, I’m not suggesting you need to do this for your team (although in my experience free food does have an effect!).

But a little nurturing certainly goes a long way…

What do I mean by that?

  • Give them training and development – so they can do a good job – this is the employee equivalent of food and water
  • Support them as they grow – be there to help, encourage or guide them
  • Prune when things need adjusting – in other words, give feedback and be clear about future expectations
  • Weed regularly – make sure there is nothing to stop your team doing a good job – poor equipment, processes that don’t work, rogue employees
  • Transplant as necessary – some team members will really flourish and show they are ready for a bigger role, so this is a chance to promote or give them extra responsibility

If you need help in getting your seedlings to grow, please contact us on 01256 328 428.